Impact Report
Year-End 2021 & 2022
We provide the philanthropic support that helps San Mateo County Community College District students take full advantage of the programs and services at the three colleges of the San Mateo County Community College District: Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College.
SMCCC Foundation was built as an organization of hope. An organization that can help students imagine a brighter future through access to higher education.

The Foundation Board appreciates all of our donors and friends. Your support of Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College helps us to look to the future as we focus on our goal of enhancing student success.
Patricia Siguenza
Chair of the Board of Directors, SMCCCF

SMCCC Foundation is an organization of hope and a brighter future. Whatever may go on in the world, that remains a constant. Together, as a community with that hope, we will navigate our changing world.
Tykia Warden
Executive Director, SMCCCF

Our donors, faculty, and staff have made a decision to serve others and there is nothing more noble in my opinion. You exemplify the core of my beliefs each and every day. I am so proud of our community’s amazing work and I am grateful and honored to work with you all.
Fiscal Year End 2022
Millions of students have passed through the doors of Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College. The programs at the San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation and financial support provided by the Foundation's donors have helped past and current students realize the dream of a college education.
- programs supported at Cañada College, College of San Mateo, & Skyline College
- 100+
- Distributed in scholarship and program funds
- Over $1.6 million
- Degrees & Certificates Awarded in nearly 400 Programs
- 3,543
- Students Attended District Colleges
- 21,443
- Were First Generation College Students
- 52.2%
- Were Low-Income
- 37.3%
- Of Students Were Hispanic/Latino
- 34.7%
- Students were under age 25
- 54.6%
Student Scholarship Recipients
Foundation donors help students achieve their educational dreams, enriching their lives, the lives of their family members, and our entire community.
Anthony Leon Chumptazi
Current Student at Cañada College
Anthony Leon Chumptazi is a first-generation college student. He was raised by his mother, in a single parent, low-income household. Growing up he lived in a small room with his mom up until his senior year in high school. Because of the pandemic, he and his mother acquired a single-bedroom apartment, a space they could call their own. However, because of the cost of living in the bay area, it was still expensive and barely affordable.
Andrea Morales
Current Student at College of San Mateo
“My goal and my dream is to go to Stanford.”
There is no doubt that Andrea Morales will achieve any dream to which she sets her mind. A native of Guatemala, Andrea is the voice of determination, will, and success for all first-generation college students, particularly Latinas. -
Jonathan Scott
Current Student at Skyline College
Jonathan, a Financial Aid Student Ambassador for Skyline College, most recently worked with Karen at Capuchino High School assisting high school seniors and their families to complete their financial aid applications for the upcoming Fall 2023 semester.
Donor Spotlight
Over the past two years, donors to SMCCCF contributed more than $4.5 million to support student scholarships and college programs. The generosity of the Foundation's donors has provided critical support for countless SMCCCD students over the past two years and since the Foundation's founding in 1966.
Click on each donor's name to learn more.
Trustee Maurice Goodman & Martina Center-Goodman
The Goodman Middle College Scholarship at Skyline College
Kim Lopez
President of Cañada College and long-time staff donor
Christine Ryland
Cañada College alumna, and endowed, named fund, and planned gift donor
George and Alisha Willis
Named fund and quasi-endowed fund donor in honor and memory of CSM professor Janice Willis
Programs supported by the
Foundation at
Cañada College, College
of San Mateo, Skyline College, and Districtwide
Academic, extracurricular, and other programs are what make the college experience rich, compelling, and effective for SMCCCD students. The Foundation supports over 100 of these programs that are critical to campus life.

Middle College High School Program at Cañada College
For some students, an alternative program is the path to success in high school and in college. Middle College at Cañada College can be that opportunity. The program is an innovative and exciting bridge for students to finish high school while gaining up to a year and a half of college credit.

The Nursing Program at College of San Mateo
Anyone who knows about nursing education in the Bay Area is undoubtedly familiar with College of San Mateo's Nursing Program. Within an institution that is already an icon, it is a flagship program and a source of great pride.

Kababayan Learning Community at Skyline College
The Kababayan Learning Community is a learning community (since 2013) with a variety of rich and engaging programming that celebrates Pilipino history, heritage, and culture and also supports students of Pilipino descent.

SparkPoint and Student Basic Needs
Students come to SparkPoint for various reasons. We work with individuals so they can meet their basic needs – food or housing – and eventually reach a place where they are ‘SparkPoint-ready’ and can work on financial literacy,” says Adolfo Leiva, director of Cañada College’s SparkPoint center.
Foundation & College Events
When it comes to events, “hybrid” was the catchphrase in both the 2021 and 2022 fiscal years. During this time, the Foundation and the District's three colleges perfected the art of both COVID-safe in-person activities and Zooming.
Click here to learn about these various events and to view photos and videos.
Foundation & College Events
San Mateo County Community College District Alumni AssociationAlumni Stories
Alumni are the heart of the San Mateo County Community College District. Not only are they shining examples of the value of a community college education, they are also role models for our current students. To join the Alumni Association, visit and sign up. To share your alumni story, email Melissa Rohlfs at
Click on the alumni names below to read more.

Jim Hartnett, Cañada College Alumnus
Jim Hartnett has been known as many things over the years: CEO, mayor, city councilmember, attorney, graduate student, and international student.
But when you ask this graduate of Santa Clara University School of Law and former CEO for SamTrans to describe himself, he says, “Oh, just a local boy. A pretty good athlete at one time. Mostly, I’m just a blue-collar kid from Redwood City.”

Bruno Carnovale, College of San Mateo Alumnus
Bruno Carnovale, Jr., class of 1964, says he owes a whole lot to his decision to attend College of San Mateo.
“I wouldn't be here, if it weren't for the California state college system.” He goes on to add, “it was so affordable to attend and I received an incredible education. It set me up for a great career.” It's not lost on Carnovale that while he came from a middle-class family of modest means, his choice to attend the affordable and close-to-home College of San Mateo, was a smart decision that has realized plenty of dividends — even after all these years.

Jennifer Blanco, Skyline College Alumna
“If you can't go through the door, go left, go right, go under. Just get through that door”
- Maria Elena Ayala, Jennifer Blanco's mother
Some of Skyline College alumna Jennifer Blanco's favorite mornings are those she spends volunteering at Belle Aire Elementary School. On her last visit, the schoolchildren enjoyed a visit with farm animals thanks to the California Dairy Council. She assisted the staff during the farm visit, as well as during an open house event held earlier in the week. Belle Aire is one of five elementary schools, along with a middle school in San Bruno, that make up the tiny district. Blanco is a trustee and a proud alumna and she considers it a privilege and an honor to support the schools in this way.
Fiscal Impact - Fiscal Year End 2022
- Total Assets
- Nearly $26 million
- Total Contributions & Grants
- $2,239,613
- College Program Support
- $488,837
- Total Scholarships Awarded
- $1,122,359
Year-End 2021 and 2022 Donors
Student success is at the core of San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation. That success is driven by the Foundation's donors: people, companies, small businesses, and foundations that care about educational equity and eliminating barriers to higher education. By supporting all students who wish to achieve a college education, SMCCCF donors also help ensure the vitality and richness of our entire community.
Below please find a listing of the Foundation's generous year-end 2021 and 2022 donors and our endowed funds.
Individual Supporters give one or more gifts throughout the year that help power our work now and into the future.
Business & Institutional Partners share the Foundation's vision for how our students can achieve their dreams, and support this work boldly through donations, sponsorships, and in-kind contributions.
Scholarship Endowed and Named Fundholders dedicate their resources and time to invest in students. Together, we award scholarships annually to support students' educational journeys and dreams.
- 36th Avenue Fund
- Alex A
- A Better Way 2A and Yellow Peril Tactical
- AAUW - North Peninsula
- AAUW San Mateo
- Cindy Abbott
- Amira Abedrabbo
- Ablc Operations
- Lorne Abramson and Elana Lieberman
- Acacia Property Corp 2010
- Acacia Property Corp 2012
- Acacia Property Corp 2015
- Merasil Academy
- Albert Acena
- Claudia Acevedo
- Adachi-Kriege Charitable Account
- Advance Soil Technology Inc.
- Advance Soil Technology, Inc.
- AFT 1481 (Union for Jefferson Union High School District)
- AFT Local 1493
- Roderic Agbunag
- Brendon Agregado
- Liberato Aguinaldo
- Alicia Aguirre
- Arlice Aguirre
- Linda Aguirre
- Cecilio Alberto and Sylvia Aguirre-Alberto
- Aaron and Cindy Aknin
- Cindy Aknin
- F. Akui and Karen Fink
- Linda Akutagawa
- Kathy Alexiou
- Alfa Tech Consulting Engineers
- Ernesto Alfaro
- Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation
- Karim Allana
- Allana Buick & Bers
- Derek Allen
- Linda Allen
- Lynn Allen
- Phunkeechyld Aloha
- Guillermo Alonzo
- Alta Mesa Cemetery And Funeral Home
- Carla Altizer
- Carmen Alvarado
- Richard and Sue Alvarez
- Ethel May Alvis
- Cheryll Amacio
- William Amato
- Amazon, Inc
- Wendy Amber
- Rickey and Diane Ambrose
- American Association of University Women
- American Association of University Women-North Peninsula
- Matt Ames
- Trisha Ames
- AMG Charitable Gift Foundation
- Jesand Amodo
- Samuel and Falonia Amos
- Anakbayan/PACE SFSU
- Frankie and Betty Anderson
- Mr. Jerry Anderson
- Mandy Anderson
- Richard and Darcy Anderson
- Alma Angel
- Cheryl Angeles
- Christine Angeles
- Jeanne Angier
- Stacylee Anin
- Anonymous
- Lance Antonicic
- Aragon High School PTSO, Inc
- Nancy Argarin
- Diane Arguijo
- Nathanael Arndt-Truong
- John and Marlene Arnold
- Ashley Asaro
- ASC Educational Foundation, Inc.
- Lindiwe Ashton
- Abtin Assadi
- Assistance League of San Mateo County
- Associated Students of Cañada College
- Associated Students of Sequoia High School
- Atkinson Foundation
- Atlas/Pellizzari Electric Inc.
- Marc Aure
- Autodesk, Inc.
- Cynthia Isabel Avalos
- Linda Avelar
- Rafael Avendano
- Guilherme and Judy Avila
- Jose and Annette Avila
- Sheryl Axline and Eric Ball
- Lindsey Ayotte
- Daniela Azuela
- B.A.C. Local 3 California
- Joanne Babin
- Franklin Bacungan
- Fred Baer
- Margarita Baez
- Isabel Bagsik
- Mitchell Bailey
- Larry Baker
- Christine Baldridge
- Des Ballete
- Balsley Charitable Fund
- Walter Bankovitch
- Eloise Baraan
- Arash Baratloo and Karen Cullen
- Ed Barberini
- Dennis Barcelon
- Leo and Silva Bardes
- William Barish
- Dale Barnes and Ellen Rosenstein
- Lorraine Barrales-Ramirez
- Maggie Barrientos
- John Barron and Elisabeth Fourtanier
- Michael Barry
- Frank and Kathy Bartaldo
- Rob Barthelman
- Barthold Family Foundation
- Ronald Barulich
- Felicia Basques
- Michelle Batista
- Thomas Bauer
- Christa Baum
- Steve Bauman
- Anna Baumgarten
- Bay Meadows Land Company, LLC
- Bruce Bean
- Ronel Bebing
- Brad and Roberta Bechtel
- Marianne Beck
- Joshua Becker
- Michael and Heather Becker
- Sue Beckmeyer
- Merilyn Beeman
- Tania Beliz
- Chester Bell
- Joan Bell
- Jonathan Bell
- Rosemary Bell
- Marion Bellan
- Herlene Grace Beltran
- Yvette Catalina Beltran
- Armand Benedicto
- Wissem Bennani
- Dick and Deborah Bennett
- Robert Benson
- Barbara Berensmeier
- David and Carol Bergman-Hill
- Jason Bermudez
- Betty Bernstein
- Trudie Berry
- Linda Bertellotti
- Rose Beuttler
- Shweta Bhatnagar
- Roshni Bhatt
- Melissa Biagtas
- Alan Biancalana
- Gioia Bianchi
- Biern Booth Family Fund
- Bill.Com
- Jonathan Bissell
- BKF Engineers
- Blach Construction Company
- Janet Black
- Lana Blackburn
- Caryl Blackfield
- Ian and Kathy Blackwood
- Adam Blankenheimer
- Katherine W. Blankenheimer
- Katie Bliss
- Laura Bliss
- Kyle Blizzard
- Jordan and Judy Bloom
- Blue Line Transfer, Inc.
- James Blume and Kathryn Frank
- Evynne Blumer-Torres
- Julia Blunden
- Anne Bodel
- Carlos Bolanos
- Edgardo Bolanos
- Sean Bonetti
- Chelsea Bonini
- Jennie Book
- Shari Bookstaff
- Gilmer Borbo
- Michael Borges
- Stephanie Borja
- Harold Borkowski and Janice Grau
- Edward and Robin Bortoli
- Joanne Bortoli
- Brian Bothman
- William Bowdle
- Mike Bower
- Douglas Bradley
- David and Carolyn Brady
- Thomas Braje
- Robert Branick
- Larry Braverman
- Melanie Breeden
- Elaine Breeze
- William and Julia Brenton
- Patricia Bresee
- Steve and Ann Brick
- Lizette Bricker
- Stephen Brickley
- Bright Funds
- Deidre Brill
- Lupei Brinicombe
- Christine Briones
- Dory Briones
- Leopoldo Briones and Eloisa Briones
- Fred Briones
- Nell Brisard
- Susan Brissenden-Smith
- Desten and Franci Broach
- Michael Broach
- Brookside (St. John's Volunteers)
- Kristina Brower
- Andrew Brown
- Bunnie Brown
- Arthur and Gloria Brown
- Jon H. Brown
- Jonathan and Roberta Brown
- Jonathan Brown
- Kathleen Brown
- Leslie R. Brown
- Phaeton Brown
- Robert B. Brown
- Kathryn W. Browne
- Aaron Browning
- Jason Browning
- Bruce and Calla Unsworth Charitable Fund
- Joanne Bruggemann
- Laura Bruigioni
- Jacqueline Buckley
- Amy Buckmaster
- Philip Bucksbaum and Roberta Morris
- Barbara Bucton
- Buehler Engineering
- Chris Burditt
- Don Burgh and Deborah Brooks
- Brian Burkhalter
- Chris Burkhart and Karla Albright
- Andrea Bushnell
- Lorna Buster
- Leonor Cabrera
- Odile Cabreux
- Amy Cai
- Rodrigo Calderon
- Tammy Calderon
- Courtney Caldwell
- Arlene Calibo
- California Humanities
- California Masonic Foundation
- California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc
- Theresa Calingasan
- Meaghan Campbell
- Carla Campillo
- Jim and Kris Cannon
- Merle Cannon
- Sheila Canzian
- Robert and Laura Caplan
- Capoliveri Charitable Trust
- Alejandro Carbajal
- Carlmont High School - Associated Student Fund
- Don and Joan Carlson
- Carmike Family Charitable Fund
- Adele Carney
- Bruno Carnovale
- Carpenters 46 Northern California Counties
- George and Amy Derbyshire
- James Carranza
- Luis Carranza
- Deborah Carrington
- Margie Carrington
- Clark Carrol
- Tiia Carswell
- Jose Cartagena
- Felix and Barbara Caruso
- Marco and Jancie Casazza
- Christine Case
- Paul Cassidy
- Steven Castillo
- Earl Caustin
- Linda Cavanaugh
- Carissa Mycah Cayco
- Christian Carlo Ceguerra
- Center For Scholarship Admin., Inc.
- Central Valley GPS Incorporated
- Cathy Chadbourne
- Kevin Chak and Mayra Rivas
- Fogel Chalom
- Chamber San Mateo County
- Park Chamberlain
- Roseanne Chambers
- Belinda Chan
- Bradford Chan
- Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
- Ronda Chaney
- Diana Chang
- Charities Aid Foundation Of America
- Charney Survivor's Trust
- Chat Mafia!
- Kalia Chavez
- Sonny Chayra
- Katherine Chen
- Perry Chen
- Vincent Chen
- Yifen Chen
- Lilian Cheng
- Martin Chetlen
- Sylvia Chi
- Michael and Gloria Chiang
- Chickasaw Nation Education Services
- China E Stgoner Softball Memorial Fund
- Michael Chinn
- Michael Chriss
- Edward and Barbara Christensen
- James T. Christol
- Gina Ciardella Palmer
- Tomas Cihlar
- Gabriela Cihlarova
- Mary Ciranni
- Circle Communications, LLC.
- CIS Inc.
- Marcela Cisneros
- City of Daly City
- Michael Claire
- Clara Abbott Foundation Scholarship Program
- Clark Carrol and Bradford W. Duncan Endowment
- R and Rosalee Clarke
- Brianna Clay
- Karen Cliffe
- Anthony and Ann Marie Clifford
- Tony Clifford
- Victoria Clinton
- Norma Clothier
- Chad Coates
- Kai Cobra
- Michael Cocco
- Greg and Karen Cochran
- David Code
- Ed Cohen
- Luke Cole
- James Coleman
- Jeff and Lora Colflesh
- Colflesh Charitable Fund
- Cherie Colin
- Caitlin Collantes
- College Track
- Colma Historical Association
- Eric and Donna Colson
- Community Foundation For San Benito County
- Community Foundation of San Carlos
- Community Foundation Of Sonoma County
- Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley
- ComputerLand, Inc.
- El Connorz
- Conrad Imports SVGS And PSP
- Paul and Victoria Contreras
- Devin Conway
- Larry Cooper
- Sandra Cooperman
- Cornerstone Earth Group
- Rosanna Corpuz
- Joe Cortopassi and Denise Lau
- Noelia Corzo
- Michael and Barbara Corzonkoff
- Mr. Edmund Cota
- Jason Coulter
- Coulter Construction Inc.
- Richard and Angela Craig
- Russell Crandall
- Crankstart Foundation
- Judith Crawford
- Casey Crews
- John Crowell
- Alveria Crump and Demetria Davis
- CSEA Chapter # 33
- CSM Library
- CSW Stuber-Stroeh Engineering
- Andre Cuerington
- Kelly-Anne Cumiskey
- Russell Cunnigham
- Martin Cunningham
- David and Rita Curbow
- Camille Cutino
- John and Ginger Cutter
- Dabblefox
- Michael Dabit
- John Dabney
- Christopher Dacumos
- Barbara Daley
- Thomas Daley and Lydia Palmin
- Anne K. Daly
- Cathy Dang
- Jazmin Daniels
- Gloria Darafshi
- Marijane Datson
- Roderick Daus-Magbual
- Floyd and Delilah Davalos
- Kim Davalos
- Perilloux David
- Mark Davidow
- Robert Davila and Joyce Jackson
- Laura Davis
- Surrell Davis
- Adam Dawes and Kwan Tan
- Chelssee De Barra
- Jespen Morelle De Guzman
- Jennifer De La Cruz
- Mariel De La Paz
- John and Josephine De Luca
- Keiri De Luca
- Robert Dean
- Jean DeBernardi
- Deborah Ann Kohn Trust
- Karen Decker
- Jason Dpsound Fly Declaro
- Tone Def
- Audrey Degon
- Brenda DeGrasse
- Joseph and Sonia Dehazes
- Wayne Dejong and Elizabeth Erdos
- Keith Del Mar
- Patrick Del Moral
- Norman Del Prado
- Lisa Del Rosario
- Jerrold and Patrice Deleget
- Michael and Denise Deleray
- Manny Delgado
- Lorraine DeMello
- Denali Inc
- Mary E. Dentoni
- Ronald and Marie Derenzi
- Derivi Castellanos Architects
- Raju Desai
- Gustav Deus
- Kelly Dewees
- Lisa Diamond
- James and Anne Diaz
- Melissa Diaz
- Noemi Diaz
- Meghan Dibble
- Jennifer DiBrienza
- Geri and Marc Dickerson
- Marc and Geri Dickerson
- Cindy Diep
- Stephen and Eileen DiFranco
- Digital Scepter Corporation
- Dignity Health Sequoia Hospital
- Gary Dilley
- Karen Dimalanta
- Elizabeth Ding
- Anthony Djedi
- djshamblez
- Dalena Do
- John Doctor
- Aaron Dodge
- Francesca Dolor
- Conrado Dominguez and Julie Stuhr
- Noel Dominguez
- Drew and De Lila Donovan
- Teri Doolittle
- Sandra Dorsett
- Alfred and Elizabeth Dossa
- Liam Dowling
- Dream 33 Foundation
- M. Marty and Gail Drexler
- Carol Driscoll
- Grant and Carrie Du Bois
- Domingo Duarte
- Amit Dubey
- Jim Dudley
- Ron and Lois Dueltgen
- Duggan's Serra Mortuary
- Reginald Duhe
- Krystal Duncan
- Jason and Felicia Dunham
- Quincy Dunker
- Timothy Dupre
- Sydney Dutton Schortgen
- Walter Eades
- Jonathan Eager
- James Eakin
- East Bay Community Foundation
- John Eaton
- David Eck
- EdFund
- Education & Human Development Department
- Ron Edwards
- Daniel Eggen
- Donna Eghbal
- Jennifer Eichner
- Barbara H. Einsiedl
- Edward Eisenman
- El Camino High School
- Robert Eldred
- Electronic Scrip (EScrip)
- Elevate Tutoring, Inc
- Gia Elhihi
- John Ellenberger and Patti Thompson
- Monika Ellis
- Al Elzey
- Rosalie Emanuel
- Matthew Embry
- Karen Engel
- Jeffrey and Susan Englander
- Robert English and Anna Zara
- Marico Enriquez
- Denis Da Silva and Michele Enriquez Da Silva
- Enterprise Holdings Foundation
- EQ Shareowner Services
- Denise Erickson
- Ernst & Young Foundation
- Liza Erpelo
- Alice Erskine
- Michael and Karen Ervin
- Jacqueline Escobar
- Luis Escobar
- Justin Escoto
- Melanie Espinueva
- Esponsor Now, Inc.
- Walter Estay
- Larissa Estes
- Fredrick and Susan Estes
- Wendy Evangelista
- Jeremy Evangelista-Ramos
- Mary Evans
- EventBrite, Inc.
- Ted and Lois Everett
- Zachary and Genevieve Ewen
- Julian F.
- Angel Faasua
- Facebook. Inc
- Michael Fadelli
- Falcon Associates, Inc.
- Stanley and Barbara Falk
- Liane Farber
- Ambassador Troy Farol
- Armaghan and Georgia Farooq
- Susan Farrow
- Ray Fasnacht
- Allie Fasth
- Marta Fatica
- Selita Feao
- Elizabeth Fehoko
- Rhea Feldman
- Erin Fellers
- Jeffrey Fenton
- Floyd Ferguson
- Roger Fields
- Asena Filihia
- Sharon Finn
- Eduardo and Meg Finones
- Grace Firtch
- Bridget Fischer
- Sparer Fishman
- Dennis and Helen Fisicaro
- Alexander and Deborah Fitz
- Pat and Carole FitzGerald
- Yock Fitzgerald
- Connor Fitzpatrick
- John and Kathleen Fitzpatrick
- Peter Fitzsimmons
- Deborah Flaherty
- Thomas and Virginia Fletcher
- Alfred Flores
- Eddie Flores
- Isileli and Teresa Folau
- Jing Folsom
- Lauren Ford
- Paul Formosa
- Jan Fosberg
- Foster Care to Success
- Aloisia Fotu
- Foundation For A College Education
- Foundation for California Community Colleges
- David Fowler and Kathleen Demetri
- T. Fowler
- Timothy and Mary Foy
- Anna Francisco
- Michael Francisco
- Chris and Alicia Frangos
- Hariklia Frangos
- Larry Franzella
- Gerald Frassetti
- Sara Frauenheim
- Peter Fredericks
- Jonathan P. Freedman
- Ann Freeman
- William Freeman and Beth Labson-Freeman
- Freestyle Dance Collective
- Imre Freeve
- Agnes Freitas
- TJ Frias
- Guadalupe Friaz
- Jay Fridy
- Stan and Mary Friedman
- Charlene Frontiera
- Merlin Fruehling
- Jay Fry
- Andrea Fuentes
- Patricia Fuetsch
- Lynn Fuller
- Marlyse Fuller
- Robert and Barbara Fung
- Bruce and Karen Furman
- G & G Bell Foundation
- Peter and Rachel Gaeta
- Gregory and Donna Gaines
- Tobin Galang
- Jeffrey and Stephanie Galinson
- Denise Gallegos
- Nick and Taryn Gallery
- Keith Gamble
- Anita Garcia
- Doris Garcia
- Estela Garcia
- Gofrido Garcia
- Maria Garcia
- Guillermo Garcia Zacarias
- Mark Gardiner
- Larry and Pamela Garlick
- Michael Garr
- Alyn Beals and Dani Gasparini
- Paul and Barbara Gayer
- Pat and Hal Gelb
- Marvin Geller
- Jay Gementera
- Jaze Gementera
- Genentech Foundation
- Bobby Georgescu
- Gertrude G. Margah, Trust
- Joann Gervais
- GFA Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
- Anita Ghai
- Zaid Ghori and Shanaz Ahmed
- Christopher Gibson
- Rosemary Gibson
- Sean Giffen
- Daniel and Judith Gilbert
- Jeff Gilbert
- Kathleen Gilbert
- Kurt Belluomini and Kimilou Gilchrist
- Erin Gilley
- Martha Gilmore
- Eliel Gimenez
- Jeff Ginn
- Give Lively Foundation, Inc
- GiveDirect
- Carmela Glasgow
- Go Pro, Inc.
- Heidi Goen-Salter
- Yuri and Irinia Goldenshteyn
- Eric Goldman and Laurie Weisberg
- Simon and Kristin Goldman
- David Goldsmith and Marie Motroni
- Paul Goldstein and Dena Mossar
- Kent Gomez
- Raul Gomez
- Andres Gonzales
- Drake Gonzales
- David and Kris Gonzales
- Julia Gonzales-Manton
- Hirania Gonzalez
- Marleny Gonzalez
- Kenneth and Raquel Gonzalez
- Good City Company
- Hilary Goodkind
- Maurice Goodman and Martina Goodman
- Edward Goodstein and Francesca Eastman
- Google, LLC.
- Ana Gordon
- Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation
- Angelica Gorostiza
- Yael Goshen
- Joshua Gould
- Laura Graham-Marquard
- Ms. Sandra M. Gran
- Carla Grandy
- Terry Grant
- Denise Granville
- Maritza Gray
- Roger and Marian Gray
- Sharon Gray
- GRD Energy, Inc.
- Chazlyn Green
- L. Jeanette Green
- Dajanae Gresham-Ryder
- Greystar Development, LLC
- D. Michael Griffin and Grace Griffin
- Patricia Griffin
- Ruth Gross
- Group 4 Architecture Research & Planning, Inc.
- Alvin Gubatina
- Joseph A Guiriba
- Lisa Gunter
- Suresh and Usha Gupta
- Irene J. Gurrola-Redenbaugh
- Robert Gutierrez
- Joy Gutierrez-Pilare
- Miguel Guzman
- Guzman Construction Group Inc
- Guzman Construction Group, Inc.
- Huy Ha
- John Haas
- Michael Harrold and Myra Haggerty
- Robert Haick
- Marilyn Haithcox
- Amos Haldeman
- Half Moon Bay High School - School Fund
- Half Moon Bay High School Associated Student Body
- Half Moon Bay Lions Club
- Half Moon Bay Volunteer Fire Department
- Patricia Hall
- Jeremiah Hallisey
- Fauzi Hamadeh
- Andrew Hambre
- Janet Hancock
- Walter Hanley
- Edward and Anne Hannemann
- Stephen and Susan Hansen
- Bruce Harden
- Marian Hardin
- Gayle Hardt
- Katharine Harer
- Robert Harker
- Joseph Haro
- Gina Harris
- Reza Harris
- Steven and Gina Harris
- Kelsey Harrison
- Christopher Hartman
- Jim Hartnett and Rosanne Foust
- Harry Hartzell
- Carolan and Peter Hass
- David Hasson
- Randall Schieber and Leslie Hatamiya
- Barrie Hathaway
- Richard Hathorn
- Samuel Haun
- Jeana Hayashigawa
- Ralph and Gillian Hayward
- Hearing Loss Association Of America
- Stephen Heath
- Phyllis Hechim
- Frank and Sandy Hedley
- John Heffernan
- Mike Heffernan
- Émilie Hein
- Susanna Heinz
- Kevin Heise
- Diane Helander
- Hemophilia Foundation Of Northern California
- Alan Henderson
- John Hennessy
- Hensel Phelps Construction Co.
- Jack Herbert
- Mary Herman
- Imelda Hermosillo
- Andrea Hernandez
- Bernard Hernandez
- Evelyn Hernandez
- Raymond and Charles Hernandez
- Pedro Hernandez-Ramos and Christine Bachen
- Samrnad Hesami
- Barbara Heydorn
- HGA Architects and Engineers
- Lisa Hicks-Dumanske
- Higher Education & Ministry
- Mark Highman
- John and Christine Hikido
- Richard and Marna Hill
- William Hill
- Kylie Hinson
- Robert Hinz
- David Hirzel
- John Ho
- Henry Hodes
- Sabrina Hodgett
- Suzanne Hoffman
- Ann-Marie Hogan
- Marilyn Hohbach
- Diane Holbrook
- Fredric and Pat Holle
- Richard Holober
- Mary Holst
- Stannie Holt
- Michaela Holtz
- Mike Holtzclaw
- Home Depot
- Janet Hooper
- Susan Hopp
- Horizons Foundation
- Brian Horwitz
- Richard Hough
- Eunice How
- Diane Howard
- Donald Howard
- Randy Howard
- HSC Property Owner LLC
- Jan Hudson
- Timothy and Melissa Humes
- Judith Hunt
- Hurlbut-Johnson Charitable Trusts
- Jessica Hurless
- James Bassett and Lily Hurlimann
- Sheikh Hussain
- Bruce Huston
- John Hutar and Nova Maldonado
- Colleen Hutchings
- Brenda Hutchinson
- Judy Hutchinson
- Cindy Huynh
- Sandy Huynh
- David Hytha and Patrice Fusillo
- Daniel Ichinose
- Rodney and Celeste Ikehara
- Suzanne Im
- Leoni Image
- Eric Imahara
- Dennis Infante
- Infobase Holdings, Inc.
- Evan Innerst
- Interact Communications, Inc.
- InterMountain Electric Company
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Local 617
- International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc.
- Douglas Ireland
- Tatiana Irwin
- Yuki Ishizaki
- Patricia Ito
- Malathi Iyengar
- Jorge J
- Joseph Jaballa
- Jannett Jackson
- Therese Jackson
- Donald and Jacqueline Jacobberger
- Rose Jacobs Gibson
- Jennifer James
- Lynn Janatpour
- Mary Janatpour
- Johanna Jansen
- William and Rosemary Janssen
- Kris Javier
- Jeffrey Javits
- Jay Paul Company
- JD LD New Polaris, LLC
- Edward Jeong
- Michelle Jester
- Jewish Community Federation's Endowment Fund
- Sydney Ji
- Hengyu Jiang
- Zhen Jiang
- Elsa Jimenez-Samayoa
- John Papan Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Candice Johnson
- Cheryl Johnson
- Lori Johnson
- Noah Johnson
- Adriana Johnston
- Michelle Johnstone
- Donna Jones
- Melinda Jones
- Mike Jones
- Pamela Jones
- Raymond Jones
- Joshua Anderson Memorial Foundation
- Lucy Jovel
- Deborah Joy
- Brian Joyce
- Kristine Julio
- Jonathan Justo
- K&S Williams Family Fund
- Kababayan Learning Community
- Ashleigh Kaible
- Kaiser Permanente, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc.
- Kaleidoscope Group
- Kallal Lemon Family Charitable Fund
- Margaret Kaluzny
- Shingo Kamada
- Kamehameha Schools
- Lisa Kanehiro
- Sanshiro Kaneko
- Nancy Kaplan-Biegel
- Nick Kapp
- Dafna Kapshud
- Leslie Kareckas
- David Sausjord and Susan Karlinsd
- David Katkov and Patricia Wyffels
- Leone Katz
- Meara Kauffman
- Michael Kay
- Angela Keahi
- Keenan & Associates
- Alice Keeton
- Rich and Gina Kelley
- George Kelly
- Kathleen Kelly
- Ken and Cathleen Kennedy
- LaShonda Kennedy
- Patricia Kennedy
- Mary Kern
- Shelley Kessler
- Kessler/Jacobson Gift Account
- Kevin Mullin For Assembly 2022
- Khatidja Khalfan
- Maryam Khan
- Max Kiang and Yi Yuan
- Robert and Linda Kiffin
- Joon Kim
- Saccio Kim
- Walker and Carol Kimbell
- Joyce King-Sultana
- Kami Kinkaid
- Todd Kirk
- Theodore and Susan Kirsch
- Linda Kirsh
- Brooke Knight
- Gregory and Venetia Knuedler
- David and Marjorie Kobe
- Bruce and Gena Koch
- Woojong Koh
- Dave Kohn
- Masao and Karlene Koketsu
- Mary Kong
- Amy Koo
- Xander Koo
- Robert Korsan
- Ginny Kortenkamp
- Barbara Kosnar
- William Kottinger
- Laurie Kottmeyer
- Robert Kowerski
- Alex Kramer
- Holly Kreider
- Theodore Kruttschnitt
- Mr. Jai Kumar
- Vasooda Kumar
- Diana Kunze
- Patricia Kurtz
- Joy Kutaka-Kennedy
- Bob Kuykendall
- Charles La Mere
- Robert and Carol Labarthe
- Georgi LaBerge
- Laborer's International Union Of North America Local 261
- Hyla Lacefield
- Lucia Lachmayr
- Lory and Nancy Lacsamana
- Lacy Thomas Family Charitable Fund
- Maritess Lagandaon
- Behzad Lajevardi
- Nancy Lam
- James and Barbara Lamson
- Rick Landess
- Landmark Event Staffing Services
- Lisa Lane
- David Langhorst
- Margaret Lanphier
- Nikolajs and Denise Lapins
- Maria Lara
- Kathryn Larsen
- Mark and Tina Larson
- Ralph and Sandy Larson
- Kathy Lavezzo
- Mr. Butch Lavin
- Law-Sun Community Fund
- Andrea Lazar
- Ellen Leach
- Evan Leach
- League of California Cities
- Peg Leary
- James LeBlanc
- Matthew Ledesma
- Robyn Ledesma
- Amourence Lee
- Andrew Lee
- Christine Lee
- Gloria Lee
- Jacinda Lee
- Joyce Lee
- Merijane Lee
- Ronald Lee
- Wendy Lee
- Robert Leichtner
- Julian Leichty
- Susan Lempert
- Maria Claire Leng
- Leon & Arline Harman Foundation
- Karen Leong
- Jerome and Eve Lerman
- Arthur and Cindi Levenson
- Wei Lew
- Gisela Lewald
- Alexis Lewis
- Edwin Leynes
- Gabriella Leynes
- Daisy Li
- Hung Li
- Isabel Li
- Yaping Li
- Kris Lannin Liang
- Renee Liang
- Loren and Corinne Lidsky
- Andrew Lie
- Limco Del Mar, LTD
- Ashley Lin
- Felix and Betty Lin
- Steve Lin
- Robert Young and Elizabeth Lindgren-Young
- Kalolaine Liongitau
- Lisa Christensen/Steelcase
- David Liseno
- Lori Lisowski
- Elaine Liu
- Gladys Liu
- Peter Liu
- Qing Liu
- Live in Peace Scholarship
- Howard Lo
- Arturo Lobato
- Bubba Lobato
- Charles and Sheila Loggan
- DJ Lok
- Mario and Barbara Lombardi
- William and Amy Long
- Mr. Kirk Long
- Suz Longworth
- Robert Loo
- Jessica Lopez
- Kim Lopez
- Peggy Lore
- Alice Loughry
- Nancy Louie
- Ritchie and Nancy Louie
- William Louie
- Ann Love
- Bing Lozano-Lim
- LPA, Inc.
- LPAS Architecture + Design
- LPAS, Inc.
- Yiwei Lu
- Stanley and Judith Lubman
- Mandy Lucas
- Jeff Ludlow
- Ben Luna
- Rich and Phyllis Lunardi
- Chitima Ly
- Doree Lynch
- Howard Lyons
- Richard and Jo MacDonald
- Jean Mach
- Eddie and Claire Mack
- Nathaniel Mackey
- Ruth MacNaughton
- Richard and Beverley Madden
- Nancy Magee
- Joseph Magsaysay
- Bonnie Mahlum
- Anthony Maka
- Make it Mariko
- Makena Capital Management
- Ame Maloney
- Jeff and Shawnna Maltbie
- Tania Malven
- Mango Man
- Juslyn Manalo
- Dave Mandelkern
- Dean and Cary Mandolado
- RV Mandolado
- Mandy Manluco
- Andrew Mann
- Billy Manning
- Anne Mansour
- Vernon Marcaida
- Roger Marcelo
- Kirk and Ellen Marchand
- Roger Marchese
- Esteban Marcial
- Donna Marcus
- Golda Margate
- Madhavi Marka
- Emily Marks
- Marlene V. Carder-Jobaris Trust
- William Marlow
- Jessica Marshall
- Linelle Marshall
- Calvin Martell and Helen Lund
- Natalie Martin
- Redge Martin
- Tom and Deborah Martin
- Virginia Martin
- John Martinez
- Steve Martinez
- Kristy Marzocca
- Nina Marzocca
- John and Louise Mason
- Jessica Masters
- Evan Matau
- Tom Matawaran
- George and Mary Mathew
- Robert Mathews
- John Mathis
- Mark and Renee Matossian
- Constance Maurer
- Luther Mayfield and Cherie Lynn Bergstrom
- Felicia Alvarez Mazzi
- Kenneth McAlpin
- Jane McAteer
- Dennis and Lori McBride
- Catherine Mccabe
- Soledad McCarthy
- McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.
- McCarthy Holdings Inc
- David McClosky
- Jean McCown
- Christie McCoy
- Deborah McDaniel
- John McDowell
- Mary McGlynn
- Michael and Sharol McGrogan
- Patrick and Mary McKay
- David McLain
- Michelle McLaren
- Robert McLean
- Douglas McMahon
- John McMahon
- Bill McNamara
- Valerie McNease
- Lawrence McNeil
- Helene McVanner
- Aaron McVean
- Deborah Meckler
- Pascal Meier
- Lisa Melnick
- Alma Mena
- Cynthia Mena
- Linda Mena
- Monica Mena Guzman
- Mark Mendell
- Graciano Mendoza
- Patricia Mendoza
- Roy and Peggy Sue Mendoza
- Rose Marie Mendoza Morrison
- Priscilla Menjivar
- Menlo Atherton High School Alumni Association
- Menlo School
- Menlo-Atherton High School
- Laureen Mercer
- Mercy High School, Burlingame
- Wallace Mersereau
- Tom and Elizabeth Mesora
- Jon Meurer
- MidPen Family Services
- Gabrielle Mihajlovich
- Saul Milan
- Katherine Milla
- E Miller
- Jay and Elise Miller
- Lee Miller
- Mills-Peninsula Auxiliary
- Akiko Mimura-Lazare
- Lill Godfrey Minamin
- Will Minnich
- Karrie Mitchell
- Mike Mitchell
- Cina Mitre
- Laura Miyano
- Jed Miyashiro
- Jeffrey Moad
- Ansel Modesto
- Warren Modesto
- Winta Mogos
- Sandra Mohr
- Kayvan Momeni
- Renwick and Diane Moniz
- Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders
- Fernando Montanes
- Joanne Montemayor
- Daniel Montes
- Roberta Montgomery
- Larry Moody
- Jamillah Moore
- John Mootz
- Andrea Morales
- Yissel Morales
- Steve Morehouse
- Joseph Morello
- Melissa Moreno
- Andra Morgan
- Christine Morgan
- Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
- Beth Morris
- Marie Morris
- Teresa Morris
- Regina Morrison
- Nancy Morrissette
- Kara Moscoe
- Cindy Moss
- Sita Motipara
- Catherine Motoyama
- Amy Motroni
- Tom and Heidi Motroni
- MSB Charitable Fund
- Kevin Mullin
- Donald Munakata
- Joseph Murphy
- Ellen Murray
- Deirdre Murtagh
- John and Diane Musgrave
- Paul Naas
- Ruth Nagler
- Alan Naguit
- Fady Najjar
- Monique Nakagawa
- Natsuki Nakamura
- Mary Namumnart
- Shannon Nash
- Reem Nasrah
- Mahdad Nassiri
- National Football Foundation and Hall Of Fame
- Danreve Navarro
- Athena Nazario
- Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales
- Dzmitry Nelipovich
- Network for Good
- Nate Nevado
- Barbara Nevins
- Robert Newberry
- Carol Newkirk
- Jennifer Newsom
- Next Gen Climate America
- Carl and Wenlan Ng
- Felix Ng
- James Nguyen
- Melinda Nguyen
- Minhan Nguyen
- Thanh Nguyen
- Garrett Nicol and Marjorie Greene
- Charles Nies
- Izamar Nieto
- nina9mm
- Jose Noble
- Gabriela Nocito
- Sharon Noguchi
- Noll & Tam Architects and Planners
- Nor Cal Bowling Centers
- Maria Norris
- Northern California Carpenters Regional Council
- Pat and Carol Norton
- Jessette Novero
- Pete Nowicki
- Victoria Nunes
- Jose and Lupe Nuñez
- Thomas Nuris
- Rosemary Nurre
- Michael Nwynn and Lan-Huong Da Nguyen
- Nelson Obando
- William and Maureen O'Brien
- Micaela Ochoa
- Seamus O'Connor
- Eoin Ohalloran
- Joseph Okere
- Karen Olesen
- Diane Oliver
- Lauren Oliver
- Maxine Olson
- Glenn Omatsu
- One Simple Wish, A NJ Non-Profit Corporation
- One Workplace, Inc.
- Newin Orante
- Stella Orechia
- Thomas and Julia Orthbandt
- Osher Foundation
- Mitchell Oster
- Devon Overbey
- Marie Oxoby
- Paul Oyer
- Nancy Ozsogomonyan
- Michael Pacelli
- Annie Pacheco
- Hellen Pacheco
- Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
- Luis Padilla
- Soe Paing
- Wade Painter
- Joshua Pakola
- Mele Sungu Pale
- Palo Alto Networks
- Carla Nicole Pangan
- Rodney Pano
- Rod and Jeanne Panos
- Larry Paolini
- Albert and Marie Paparelli
- Carmel Pariseau
- Parker Insurace Agency, LLC
- Peter Parkinson
- Laura Parmer-Lohan
- David and Patricia Parsons
- Hui Pate
- Manish Patel and Urmi Amin
- Christopher and Liza Patnoe
- Andrea Patterson
- Jeanne Patterson
- Russell Patterson
- PayPal
- Gren Pe Benito
- Richard Pearl
- Gloria Pearson
- John Peavler
- Peleh Fund
- Robert and Suzanne Pellican
- Marcos Pena
- Celia Pender
- Nancy Pendergast
- Peninsula Clean Energy Authority
- Pepsi Bottling Group
- Melissa Perez
- Rebecca Perez
- Manuel Alejandro Pérez
- Charles and Victoria Perkins
- Hansen and Katie Perkins
- Kevin Perkins
- Robert and Gloria Perkins
- Leila Perreras
- Zae Perrin
- William and Ellen Peters
- Petigura and Spitz Family Fund
- Susan Petit
- Lisa Petrides
- Gus Petropoulos and Linda Longley
- Kim Pham
- Charles Phan
- Linda Phan
- Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
- Ashley Phillips
- Cary and Denise Phillips
- Irene Phillips
- Jonathan Phillips
- Gregory Pierce
- Justin and Amy Piergrossi
- Frank and Susan Pignataro
- John Pimentel
- Bianca Pineda
- Karen Pinkham
- Douglas Piper and Marcia Lomneth
- Cesar Pirir
- Tizianna Pirrone
- Pivotal Connections
- Plumbers & Steamfitters Local No. 467
- Mr. Rich Polonsky
- Suzanne Poma
- Pomas Advertising
- Richard Pope
- Sonya Pope
- Nicole Porter
- Keith Posey
- Larry and Lauran Posner
- Alexander Potter
- Holly Potter
- Kellie Poulsen Grill
- Jonna Pounds
- Danielle Powell
- Jeannel Poyaoan
- Sherrie Prasad
- Toni Presta
- Printworks
- Giovanna Priolo
- Ludmila Prisecar
- G. E. and Teresa Proaño
- Provident Credit Union
- Rianna Punzalan
- Putnam Subaru & Putnam Mazda
- Maggie Quan
- Mr. and Mrs. Wasson Quan
- Daniel Chen and Deborah Quinn-Chen
- Leonard Radzilowski
- Uriel Rafael
- Dr. Rafii
- Polly Ragusa
- Juan Raigoza
- Helen Raiser
- Marsha Ramezane
- Heather Ramirez
- Ismael Ramirez
- Rudy Ramirez
- Anniqua Rana
- Coren Randall
- Heidi Rank
- Ann Rarden
- Bonnie G. Rattner
- Sharon Rau
- Cecelia Rebele
- Recology Inc.
- Recology San Bruno
- Ezekiel John Recto
- Danni Redding Lapuz
- Diana Reddy
- Robert Redlinger
- Redwood City Citizen's Against Racism
- Redwood City Library Foundation
- Redwood High School Foundation
- David Reed
- Patrice Reed-Fort
- Jeanmarie Reginato
- Paul M. Reif
- Reliable Concepts Corporation
- Theodore Reller
- Rene Renard
- Reno High School
- Republic Services
- Jeannette Rettig
- EJ Reyes
- Hide Reyes-Modesto
- Barbara Rhomberg
- Evelyn Richards
- Jim Richards and Bette Brockman
- Kristi Ridgway
- Maria Rivas
- Liliana Rivera
- Steve Rivera
- Gregorio Roa
- Stephanie Roach
- Karmann Robbins
- Robert A. Bothman Construction, Inc.
- Renette Robillard
- Roberta Robins
- Kai Robinson
- Tammy Robinson
- Alay Rockwell
- Rodan Builders, Inc.
- Virna E Rodas de Moran
- Aubrey Roderick
- Ricco and Cindy Rodondi
- Roman Rodriguez
- Sandra Rodriguez
- Megan Rodriguez Antone
- Philip Roeder
- Rogayan Scofield Charitable Fund
- Charles Rogers
- David Rogers
- Richard Rojo
- Rhythm Rokfresh
- Kenneth Rolandelli
- Andre Rollolazo
- Mario and Anita Rollolazo
- Romel Enterprises, LLC.
- Carlos Romero
- Patricia Ronald
- Ronald W. Lee Charitble Trust
- Virginia Rosales
- Paul Roscelli
- Jeremy Roschelle and Audrey Garfield
- Michael Rose
- Marilyn Rosekind
- Claudette Rosenberg
- Emily Rosenberg
- Mark Rosenthal
- Stephen Rosenthal
- Kathleen Ross
- Rotary Club of Burlingame
- Rotary Club of Menlo Park Foundation
- Rotary Club of Palo Alto
- Rotary Club of San Bruno
- Rotary Club of San Carlos
- Robert Roth and Cynthia Robbins-Roth
- Sheldon Rothenberg
- Timothy Rottenberg
- Chad Rout-Thompson
- Bianca Rowden Quince
- Shirley Roybal
- RSS Consulting, LLC
- Jordan Ruderman
- Michele Rudovsky
- Kennya Ruiz
- Lindsey Ruiz
- William and Sherrean Rundberg
- Jessica Ruvalcaba
- Michael Ryan
- Molly Ryan
- Cassidy Ryan-White
- David Sacarelos and Yvette Lanza
- Sacramento Tongan Youth Group
- Candace Sagan
- Mary Sager
- Faryal Said
- Sterling Sakai
- Kalimah Salahuddin
- Salas O'Brien Engineers, Inc.
- Josephine Salvador
- Nicole Salviejo
- Francesca Sampognaro
- San Bruno Community Foundation
- San Francisco Education Fund
- San Lorenzo District Scholarship Foundation
- San Mateo Chamber of Commerce
- San Mateo County Central Labor Council AFL-CI0
- San Mateo County Community College District
- San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee
- San Mateo Credit Union
- San Mateo Rotary Foundation
- San Mateo Union High School District
- Sam Sanchez
- Sanitary Truck Drivers & Helpers Teamsters Local 350
- Tony Santa Ana
- Alberto Santellan
- Jackie Santizo
- Janice Sapigao
- Richard Saroyan
- John and Diana Scafire
- Carole Scagnetti
- Barry Schiffman
- Tiffany Schmierer
- Jeffrey Schneider and Jane Denton
- Schneider Electric
- Scholarship America
- Scholarships Inc
- Linda Scholer
- Shelley Schreiber
- Susanne Schubert
- Betty Schwartz
- Kenneth Schwartz
- Susan Schwartz
- Carolyn Schwartzbord
- Frank and Karen Schwarz
- Shirley Schwoerer
- James Sederberg and Tracy Calk
- Harold and Galena Seeker
- Josh Seidenfeld
- Joseph and Randee Seiger
- SEIU-UHW & Joint Employer Education Fund
- Michelle Senatore
- Sequoia Federal Credit Union
- Sequoia Healthcare District
- Sequoia High School
- Sequoia Hospital
- Sequoia Union High School District
- Serendipitous Slice, Inc.
- Oliver and Grace Seth
- William Calvin and Michal Foriest Settles
- Kenneth Seydel
- SFPOA Community Service Scholarship Fund
- Arsoon Shahrdar
- Julie Shanson
- Leigh Anne Shaw
- Diane Sheardown
- Cynny Sheehan
- Kim Sheehan
- Stefani Shek
- Luke Sherlin
- Christina Shih
- Stanley Shikuma
- Dre Sibayan
- Siemens Industry, Inc.
- Blanca Siguenza
- Patricia Siguenza
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Nina Silk
- Wilmetta Silva
- Jessica Silver-Sharp
- Cynthia Simms
- Michael and Angie Simon
- Kurt and Rosalie Simrock
- Reverie Sina
- Kevin Sinarle
- Molly Singer
- Neel Singh
- Juanita Singler
- Yara Sinjary
- Johanna Sistek
- Judy Skender
- Eric Skiba
- Skyline Classified Employees
- Skyline College
- Skyline College Academic Senate
- Skyline College EOPS
- Skyline EOPS
- Evan Sliger
- Smart Scholarship Funding Corporation
- SMCCCD Retirees
- Arielle Smith
- Betty Smith
- Christopher and Jennifer Smith
- Christopher Smith
- Colleen Smith
- Kenneth Smith
- Robert Smith
- Roger Smith
- Scott Smith
- Smolin-Melin Scholarship Fund
- SMWI Scholarship Foundation
- Brittney Sneed
- Richard Follansbee and Amy Sobel
- Sogorea Te' Land Trust
- SOMAHH/Merasil Academy
- Grace Sonner
- Chantal Sosa
- Julianna Soumarocoff
- Helen Souranoff
- Mona Sowiski
- Sowiski & Associates
- Sparer Fishman Charitable Fund
- Albert and Theresa Spediacci
- Shannon Spring
- Sprinkler Fitters Local NO. 483
- Srinija Srinivasan
- St. Vincent De Paul - Our Lady of the Pillar Conference
- Anne Stafford
- Regina Standback Stroud
- Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
- Michael Stanford
- Stanford University
- Donald Stang and Helen Wickes
- James Steele
- Brian Steen and Sandra Wilson
- Steinberg Hart
- Andy Stern
- Susanne L. Stevens
- Charles Stewart
- Courtney Stewart
- Pharoah Stewart
- Kelsey Stiles
- Roger Stoll
- Charles Stone
- Maria Straatmann
- Strata Information Group, Inc.
- Michael and Pcyeta Stroud
- Erinn D. Struss
- Stuart Foundation
- Studio W Architects
- Stuffs Co.
- Lisa Suguitan Melnick
- Patrick Sullivan
- Mark Sultana
- Angela Sumang
- Patricia Mae Sumang
- Summerfield Apartments
- SummerHill Housing Group
- Ashley Sun
- Elissa Swanger
- Lisa Sweeney
- Ruben and Sharon Swendell
- Swinerton Management & Consulting Inc.
- Donna Sylvestri
- Emmanuel Tablan
- Zhalih Taefy-Cross
- Arthur Takayama
- Joseph Tamagni
- Albert and Judith Tamagni
- Sundarath Tan
- Robert Tarjan
- Leah Tarleton
- Andy Tarpley
- Mari Rose Taruc
- Tastybets Crew
- Jennifer Taw
- Elnora Tayag
- Betty Jane Taylor
- Gregory Taylor and Diane Silven
- Floyd Gonella and Margaret Taylor
- Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza
- Martha Tecero
- Teen Success, Inc.
- Fiona Teng
- Theresa Tentes
- Texas AFL CIO
- Suraj Thapa
- The Bailey Family Trust
- The Benevity Community Impact Fund
- The Blume Foundation
- The Campbell Family Charitable Gift Fund
- The Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County
- The Community Foundation Of Mendocino County, Inc
- The Elaine and Vincent Bell Foundation
- The Embark Fund
- The Estate of William R. Russell Jr.
- The Hiltabidel Zhovreboff Family
- The Lidsky Family Charitable Fund
- The Piedemonte Charitable Trust
- The Ruth M. Reuter Education in Health Fund
- The San Francisco Foundation
- The Schwab Family Fund
- The Sinarle Family
- The Toyon Fund
- The Walt Disney Company Foundation
- The Wise Spousal Trust
- Marisa Thigpen
- Dennis Thompson
- Kirk and Lori Thompson
- Sabrina Thompson
- Three Productions LLC
- Rebecca Threewit
- Thrive Alliance
- Carole Thurmond Wills
- Leland and Elizabeth Tiedje
- Juliet Tiffany-Morales
- Jon Tigar and Caroline Avery
- Laddawan and Thomas Tilden
- Eric Tilenius
- Karen Timbers
- TimelyMD
- Cihan Tinaztepe
- Deepak Tiwari
- Vanessa To
- Ryan Tognetti
- Jessica Tohmc
- Howard and Margarita Tom
- Karissa Tom
- Anna Tomlin
- Gordon Tong
- Tonga Relief Fund
- Rebecca Toporek
- M.E. Tormey
- Agustin Torres
- Heather Torres
- Jennyfer Torres
- Mary Torres Volken
- Carmen Towler
- Town of Colma
- Trisha Tran
- Richard and Leelee Treadwell
- Tri Counties Bank
- Annie Trinh
- Ronald Trugman
- Trustees of Foxcroft Academy
- Winnie Tsang
- Emy Tseng
- Shai and Vicky Tsur
- David and Marianne Tuakoi
- Jessica Turner
- Two Ten Footwear Foundation
- Lyrica Tyree
- Makiko Ueda
- John Ulloa
- Carol Ullrich
- Rey Uncangco and Josie Champaco-Uncangco
- Teresa Grace Uniacke
- United Kingdom Online Giving Foundation
- UPS Education Assistance Program
- Urbanek Family Foundation
- Alexandra Urbina
- Joleen Ursua
- US Bank, NA
- Nina Usison
- Don Uy-Barreta
- Nolaumi Vainikolo
- Romel Valdez
- Veronica Valencia
- Yolanda Valenzuela
- Vincent Van Dillen
- Bryan Vander Lugt
- J Vangele
- Eric Vanuska
- Ingrid Vargas
- Frank and Glenna Vaskelis
- Timothy and Jill Vath
- Milton Velez
- Heaven Veluz
- Bobba Venkatadri
- Verde Design Inc
- Robert Verzello
- Peter and Judith Vestal
- Michael Villeggiante
- Marie Violet
- Judelyn Virina
- Vitas Paul and Julia Viskanta
- Vista Pacific Dental
- Vitality and Abundance LLC
- Sally Vitello
- Andrea Vizenor
- Glenn and Celene Voyles
- W.E. Lyons Construction Co.
- Mary Wadsworth
- Lauren Wagner
- Stacey Wagner
- Duane Wakeham
- Neil E. Waldo
- Russell Waldon
- Ann Walker
- Bob and Gail Walker
- Chikako Walker
- Ian and Julia Wall
- Jeramy Wallace
- Kolo Wamba
- Nicole Wang
- Tim Wang
- Elizabeth Ward
- Jennifer Ward
- Tykia Warden
- Carina Warne
- Linda Warshauer
- Robert Way
- Katherine Webster
- Michele Webster
- Kaifu Wei
- Chris Weidman
- Bonnie Weisel
- David and Kathleen Weisenberg
- Shauna Weitzer
- Michael and Orit Weksler
- Stephanie Wells Freeman
- Pam Welty
- Western Allied Mechanical, Inc
- Western Region Council on Black American Affairs (WRCBAA)
- Elinor Westfold
- Albert and Janet Wetter
- Cheryl Wheatley
- Adam White
- Jean-Marie White
- Michael White
- Tyce Wichite
- Deanna Wieman
- H. B. Wilder
- Mary Wilkinson
- Robert and May Wilkinson
- Roger and Muriel Willey
- Christine Williams
- Gloria Williams
- James Williams
- Jane Williams
- Jessica Williams
- Robert and Nancy Williams
- Chequita Williams-Cox
- Hugh Williamson
- Stuart Williamson
- Alisha Willis
- Janice Willis
- Richard Willits
- Theresa Wilson
- Wineland-Whitcomb Giving Fund
- Michael and Robin Winton
- Tripp Wisehaupt
- Janis Wisherop
- Chris Witzel and Mary Jo Ottman
- WM- Philanthropic West
- Andreas Wolf
- Dan and Nancy Wolford
- Peter Wolters
- Women's Missionary Council CME Church
- Raymond and Florence Wong
- Ira Wong
- Jason Wong
- Karen Wong
- Linda Wong
- Sandy Wong
- Christina G. Woo
- Kim and Christine Woo
- Susan Woo
- Woodside High School
- Woodside Terrace AM Kiwanis Foundation
- Tiffany Woolf
- Worldwide ERC Inc., USA_New
- Judy Worster
- Wounded Healing Art
- Lawrence Wu
- Sherri Wyatt
- Yutong Xie
- XL Construction Corporation
- Polin Yadak
- Tim Yager
- Yifei Yan
- Annie Yang
- Tawnie Yates
- Julie Ye
- Randall Yeates
- Clair Yeo-Sugajski
- Nancy Yeung Lam
- Helia Ying
- Yohai-Heller Donor Advised Fund
- Ugen Yonten
- Frank Young
- Xiaolian Yu
- Anthony Yuen and Vanessa Reeves
- Judy Yuen Ng
- Mark Zahler
- Charles and Jane Zaloudek
- Tiffany Zammit
- Richard and Bonny Zanardi
- Nancy Zastrow
- Scott Zayac
- Chih Chu Zee
- Lloyd and Rita Zeitman
- William and Edna Zemke
- Humberto Zepeda
- Yifeng Zhang
- Timothy Zhovreboff
- Lynn Ziebarth
- April Zitlau
- Robert Zucker
- Zucker Family Fun
- Arlene Zuckerberg and Alan Gellman
Endowment Funds
- AAUW/Ethel Gayman Endowment Fund
- Allan R. Brown Scholarship Fund, Kathleen Brown
- Anne Marquart Scholarship Fund, Anne Marquart
- Anne Moon Scholarship Fund
- ASCSM Athletics Endowment Fund
- Beverly Travlos Cañada College Fashion Scholarship Fund
- Big Smile Scholarship Fund, Mary P. Mastrobattista and Rick Bennett
- Bonnie Chastain Scholarship Fund
- Bonnie G. Rattner Women in Broadcasting Fund, Bonnie G. Rattner
- Bulldog Scholar Athlete Fund
- Canada College A2B Program Endowed Fund
- Carl E. Ward Scholarship Fund
- Carlena & C.S. Jum Morris Scholarship Fund
- Cecilia A. Hopkins Scholarship Fund, Cecilia Hopkins
- Charles Ferreira Educational Fund, Bill Quinn
- Christine Ryland Briana Scholarship Fund, Christine Ryland
- Christine Ryland Scholarship Fund, Christine Ryland and Gordon Ringold
- Claire D. Motroni Scholarship Fund, Thomas and Heidi Motroni
- Classified Senate of Canada Fund
- Connie Barthold Scholarship Fund, Christine Ryland and Gordon Ringold
- CSM Child Development Center Fund
- Darryl Usher Memorial Scholarship Fund, Alma Usher
- Dave And Gundi McKean Scholarship, David Hildegund McKean
- David Levy Asher Memorial Scholarship Fund, Ingeborg C. Asher
- Donalida Merillat Endowed Scholarship
- Douglas Ross Memorial Scholarship Fund, Barbara Ross
- Dr. Steve Shire Endowment Scholarship, Maria Yang
- Edward A. Kusich Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Edward Barthold Scholarship Fund, Christine Ryland and Gordon Ringold
- Edward D. Worrell Memorial Engineering Scholarship Fund
- Eleanore D. Nettle Scholarship Fund, Philip Nettle
- Elizabeth Egan Arts Scholarship, Philip Egan
- Ellis W. Garlington Scholarship Fund
- F.L. Griffin Scholarship Fund, Christine Ryland and Gordon Ringold
- Florence Jaffy Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Frances Emma Wagner Anthropology Scholarship Fund
- Frank and Marie Fahey Scholarship Fund, Jim Fahey
- Frank Chock Yuen Louie Memorial Scholarship Fund, William F. Louie
- Fredric Poehr Music Scholarship Fund
- G.W. Williams Investment Fund, G.W. Williams Foundation
- Garcia, Jimenez, Orozco, Trasvina Scholarship Fund
- George & Catherine Pomeroy Scholarship Fund
- George Van Vliet Aero. Scholarship Fund
- GHB Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Global Beca Foundation for San Mateo Colleges Scholarship
- Gregory Rouse Music Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Gus Pagels Scholarship Fund
- Harry Alton, M.D. Memorial Scholarship Fund, Mahmea Alton
- Helen Chipp Berryhill Memorial Fund
- Helen Hausman Fund, Arthur Hausman
- Hohbach Family Endowed Scholarship Fund, Marilyn Hohbach
- Hewett-Berdon Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Horticulture Club Scholarship Fund
- Howard B. Kaster Memorial Fund, Nessie Chesebrough
- Howard Immekus Memorial Scholarship Endowed Fund
- Humanity through Student Art - Competition
- Iliff Award Fund
- In Honor of Tim O'Connell Scholarship Fund, Patricia Bresee
- James Gally Margah and Michelle Margah Jones Endowment, Gertrude Margah
- James R. & Hope A. Tormey Memorial Endowment Fund
- Janice M. Evans Willis Scholarship Fund, Alisha Willis
- Jean Evelyn Letsinger Endowed Scholarship Fund, Jean Letsinger
- Jean Weber Page Family Scholarship Fund
- Joe Drummond Nelson Scholarship Fund, Paul Nelson
- John H. Grady Scholarship Fund
- Julio Bortolazzo Scholarship Fund
- Ken Hamilton and Jessica Diane Memorial Scholarship Fund, Diane Hamilton Palmer
- Kern Richmond Scholarship Fund, Gregg Atkins
- Kocmich-Neal Music Scholarship Fund
- Laura Hill Griffin Scholarship Fund, Edward Bathold, Christine Ryland, and Gordon Ringold
- Len Geimer Award Fund
- Lewis Family STEM Scholarship
- Lionel & Bernadine Goularte Scholarship, Jack Rogers
- Lois Mueller Memorial Scholarship Fund, Allen Mueller
- Lorraine K. Peters Scholarship Fund
- Lt. Harold Bogan Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Lucile Koshland Scholarship Fund
- Marcia Mahood Scholarship Fund, Marcia Mahood
- Margaret S. Gerlinger Nurses Scholarship Fund
- Maria I. Cardenas Scholarship Fund
- Marlene V. Carder-Jobaris Scholarship Fund
- Mary Topalis Trust for CSM School of Nursing Fund, George Topalis
- Massole-Schroter Scholarship Fund
- Meyer Excellence in Teaching Fund, Philip Y. Meyer and Jan Meyer
- Michael John Clemens Scholarship Fund
- Michael L. Breslin Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Mildred Howard Stickney Scholarship Fund, Eugene Howard
- Natasha P. Souranoff Memorial Cosmetology Scholarship Fund, Helen Souranoff
- Nature/Ecology Preservation Fund
- Patricia L. Griffin Scholarship Fund, Patricia L. Griffin
- Philip and Ellis Garlington Scholar Athlete Scholarship Fund, Philip Garlington
- Ray and Peggy Daba Scholarship Fund, Ray Daba
- Robert and Toni Oyster Endowed Scholarship Fund, Toni Oyster
- Robert C. Garvey Scholarship Fund
- Robert Stiff Scholarship Fund, Edward Bathold, Christine Ryland, and Gordon Ringold
- Robin V. Daly Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Ronald F. Weidman Theatre Arts Fund, Jane Weidman
- Rosalie O'Mahony Mathematics/Civil Engineering Scholarship, Rosalie O'Mahony
- Roy Webster Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Ruth H. Weston Scholarship Fund, Margaret Lanphier
- Samuel A. Francis Scholarship Fund
- San Mateo Scholarship for Local Government Studies Fund
- Sara Boddinghouse Coastside Scholarship Fund
- SMCCCD Retirees' Scholarship Fund
- SMCCCF Promise Scholarship Fund
- SMCCCF Reserve Fund
- SMCCCF Scholarship Fund
- SMCCCF Scholarship Fund - CSM
- Soroptimists Club of Burlingame/San Mateo Fund
- South San Mateo Women's Club Minnie Moore Memorial Fund
- Sumie & Iwao Motoyama Communications Studies Scholarship Fund, Catherine Motoyama
- Susan Duckworth Memorial Fund
- Susanne L. Stevens Scholarship Fund, Susanne L. Stevens
- The Joy Trust, Sandra Marquess
- The Radcliffe Fund
- Toby Merman Memorial Scholarship Fund, Pat and Hal Gelb
- Tom Martinez Appreciation Award Fund
- Ulysses & Marjorie Simonds Scholarship Fund, Marjorie Simonds
- Urbanek Family Foundation, Lida Urbanek
- William (Bill) Douglas Pittman Endowed Scholarship, Alan and Dorothy Calvin
- William R. Russell Jr. Estate
- Woman's Club of San Mateo Fund
- Woo Family Scholarship Fund, Susan Woo
The impact report list of donors contains names of individuals, corporations, and foundations that have made gifts to SMCCC Foundation between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2022 and all endowment funds through June 30, 2022. If your name was omitted in error or listed incorrectly, please contact Dafna Kapshud at or 650.358.6791.

Endowment: The Gift of Legacy
An endowed scholarship fund is a gift that gives in perpetuity. It is your legacy that will help generations of students achieve their dreams of higher education.
There are many ways you can establish an endowed scholarship fund — you can donate today, you can remember SMCCCF in your will or trust with an endowed scholarship fund, or you can designate unused retirement money. Whichever way you create an endowed fund, the name of the fund will live on to help students achieve their dreams.
For more information or to create an endowed fund, contact Development Director, Kathleen Harris at