What to Support
The San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation funds scholarships and programs
at the District’s three colleges: Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline

Promise Scholars Program
The Promise Scholars Programs at Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College is available to incoming, full-time (12 units minimum per semester, with 15 units highly encouraged) college students who plan to earn a certificate or an associate degree, or complete general education requirements to successfully transfer to a four-year institution.

SMCCC Foundation and other Scholarships
The San Mateo Community Colleges Foundation raises funds for scholarships, ensuring that every student can afford the quality higher education provided by the District's three colleges, Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College. In addition to covering tuition, these life-changing scholarships ensure students are able to stay in school and finish their degrees by providing them with the means to purchase books, live in stable housing, maintain reliable transportation, and hire child support.

Undocumented Student Fund
The San Mateo County Community College District is proud of our "students first" mission, providing access to higher education for every student. Our vision and commitment to inclusion, equity, and social justice includes critical support for our undocumented students. In an effort realize this vision, the District and the Foundation have created an Undocumented Student Fund to support these students as critical members of our campus communities.

College Athletics
The Athletics programs at each of the District's three colleges promote excellence in sportsmanship, prepare leaders for tomorrow, and foster personal growth, discipline, assertiveness, and persistence. Generous donations to the Foundation help ensure that students continue to have access to these important athletic programs. To donate to a specific program, visit the Foundation's donation page and click "other" in the "Designation" drop down menu.
Athletics programs at each of the District's colleges:

Finish Line Fund
The Finish Line Fund helps students at Cañada College, College of San Mateo, and Skyline College stay on track to graduation by providing financial assistance during unexpected hardships. From covering essential needs like rent and food to helping with academic costs, this fund ensures that students can complete their education without financial roadblocks.
The Chancellor's Circle
The Chancellor's Circle is composed of local leaders and philanthropists who contribute
$1,000 or more to the Foundation over the course of one fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
These generous donations allow the Foundation to sustain student scholarships, programs
grants, and funding for innovative faculty and staff projects. As the Foundation's
highest-level donors, members of the Chancellor's Circle are acknowledged in the Foundation's
annual report, and are invited to meet the District Chancellor at an exclusive annual
reception in October. Members also receive invitations to special campus and community
events as well as updates on the Foundation, the colleges, and the District.
To join the Chancellor's Circle or renew your membership, visit the Foundation's donation page.
Thank you to the Foundation's current Chancellor's Circle donors.